I guess you're welcome

To the side are some songs (actually now they are below)

Down under are some blog posts

My name is John

I don't care what yours is

what is it?

Monday, February 14, 2011


I love music made on a computer. You know those videos I have (probably above this post)? This is a link to his profile on Soundcloud. SoundsofNCM. http://soundcloud.com/soundsofncm
Take a look. You have no power to refuse.

Belated New Year's Resolution

I have decided to make a video twice a month on my youtube channel, "XPWiFi". We'll see if it works out or not. At least it's a goal. And my camera's pretty decent. kind of...

Well, if anybody reads this, comment, rate, and follow. I finished Greek by the way.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New Post

Hello, I have Greek to do, but I finished math.

You know, I totally forgot about this blag... HAHA!!!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm supposed to be doing school right now

I just got Rhett and Link's new cd called "Up To This Point" and it is awesome! I should probably say great because I have inflated the word awesome.

I just realized why they use awesome in the bible. Until I knew how to spell awesome, I thought only surfers and skaters and contemporary pastors should use it, but now that I know how to spell it, I know what it means. Awe and some put together is awesome. If you are in awe of something, that's awesome.

Anyways, I should do school, I mean it's Tuesday 10:44 AM. I really should be doing school right now! I shouldn't even be explaining why I'm stopping now because nobody ever reads this obscure blog. Only a sibling follows me and I follow myself!

Please comment *sob sob* and *sob*
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YOU HAVE NO POWER TO *sob* REFUSE!!!!!!*boohoohoo*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The regret of a Magician

Some people say that everybody should become a waiter or waitress, and some people say everyone should become a cash register operator, but although I do not want everyone to become a magician, I wish that everybody knew what it feels like to have a careless spectator trying as hard as he or she can to make a magician fail before they even know what the effect is. As also being a waiter, you can see arrogance in people. When you are serving tables, often the messiest people and the people who stay the longest are the ones who tip the least. It's the same way with being a magician. Some people don't care about you and often think of how the magician feels. It's the same result, with waiters you think of all the hard work you did for them and they leave you next to nothing as a thanks. With magicians people think it's some kind of game to make whoever it is trip up. In both cases you end up feeling frustrated and feel like brooding about it.

If you can relate or read through this and it made sense please comment and let me know what you think.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

To whoever ever follows this blog.

Here is a website that has lots of questions about the Bible answered. Here is a regular URL, http://www.gotquestions.org/ , and here is a less spacious link